By Dr. preston bailey
In the name of Jesus Christ and through His shed blood, I bind all evil spirits, astral projected spirits, or hybrid spirits that are trying to hurt or influence me. As one that has accepted Jesus Christ as personal Savior and Lord, I renounce all the sins of my ancestors back to ten generations and all forms of witchcraft that I have participated in or practiced in any way.
Since I have been co-crucified with Christ, I cancel all demonic workings against me and nail to the cross all curses, evil prayers, hex's, spells, plots, or evil schemes that have been placed against me and claim by faith they are null and void and covered under the blood of Christ.
I now take back all ground I have given over to Satan by my sins and the sins of my ancestors and claim by faith that they are all forgiven and cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ. I claim that ground back by the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ and dedicate it to the Lord. I yield by faith every area of my life over to the Lordship of Christ and full control of the Holy Spirit. I dedicate my spirit, soul, and body to Jesus Christ and claim by faith that I am filled with the power of the Holy Spirit.
Since I have been crucified and raised with Christ, I claim by faith that through the Lord Jesus Christ that I can do all things. From this moment on, I break all holds that Satan has had on me and renounce them by the blood of Jesus Christ. I claim by faith I have on the whole armor of God, the shield of faith to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one, the sword of the Spirit to defeat all my enemies, and am covered under the blood of Christ. All this I claim in the name and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ. AMEN!
Prayer Changes Things!