Lord you said whatever we ask according to your will that you will grant it. According to Isaiah 61, you came to set captives free from bondage, cages and prisons, therefore my deliverance is your will. According to Isaiah 53:5 you paid the price for my healing, therefore my deliverance is your will. According to 2 Timothy 1:7, you are not the author of mental illness, therefore soundness of mind is your will. According to 3 John 1:2, you do not want me in lack or poverty of any sort, therefore prosperity is your will. I therefore decree and declare that as I pray, by faith I receive all that is mine.
The enemy is a thief, he comes to steal to, to kill and to destroy, but you have come that I might have life. Thank you for exposing the thief to me through revelation, through my dreams, and through your word. I renounce every alliance made through my ignorance. For you said in Hosea 4:6 your people perish for lack of knowledge, and because we have rejected your law, you have rejected us for being your priests. Forgive me for my ignorance, failing to study to show myself approved and ignoring truth in your word. Let every door be shut to the enemy in Jesus Name. For its written in Isaiah 22:22 that you, Jesus have the key of the house of David and when you open, and no one shall shut; And when you shut, and no one shall open. Let every door that the thief has used to rob me be closed in Jesus name. Every back door, dream door, doors through authority figures, ancestral doors, doors through curses all be shut now in Jesus name. I renounce all curses of sickness, witchcraft, fear, death, lack, stagnation, oppression, depression, mental illness, death, poverty, division, abandonment and rejection in Jesus name. For Lord you became a curse for me according to Galatians 3:13 Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”).
Thank you father that I will not be put to shame in any form or manner. Every diabolical plan for my shame and embarrassment is canceled now in Jesus Name. Isaiah 61:7 Instead of my shame I shall have double honor, And instead of confusion I shall rejoice in my portion. Therefore in my land I shall possess double; Everlasting joy shall be mine.